추적자 시험(Tracer Test)
추적자 실험은 주입 방법에 따라 Pulse 주입법(혹은 Slug method)과 Step 주입법의 2가지 형태로 구분된다.
Pulse 주입법은 유입부에서 충분히 많은 양의 추적자를 순간적으로 주입한 후 일정한 시간 간격으로 유출부에서 농도를 확인하는 시험이며, Step 주입법은 일정한 농도의 추적자를 지속적으로 주입하여 유출부에서의 추적 농도가 일정한 농도가 될 때(Steady-state)까지 유출 부의 농도를 확인하는 방법이다.
Pulse 주입법
Step 주입법
Type of reactor | Applications in wastewater treatment |
Batch | Conduct of BOD test, sequencing batch reactor activated sludge biological treatment, mixing of concentrated solutions into working solutions |
Complete-mix without recycle | Aerated lagoons, aerobic sludge digestion, anaerobic digestion |
Complete-mix with recycle | Activated sludge biological treatment |
Plug-flow | Chlorine contact basin, reaeration basin, natural treatment systems |
Plug-flow with recycle | Activated sludge biological treatment, aquatic treatment systems |
Complete-mix reactors in series | Lagoon treatment systems, used to simulate nonideal flow in plug flow reactors |
Packed bed | Nonsubmerged and submerged trickling filter biological treatment units, depth filtration, membrane filtration, adsorption, ion exchange, air stripping, natural treatment systems |
Fluidized bed | Fluidized bed reactors for aerobic and anaerobic biological treatment, upflow sludge blanket reactors, air stripping, thermal oxidation of sludge |
'환경공학' 카테고리의 다른 글
반응속도 (0) | 2024.01.13 |
Mass-Balance Analysis (0) | 2024.01.13 |
BOD, COD, and TOC 상호관계 (0) | 2024.01.12 |
최소자승법 (1) | 2024.01.10 |
BOD (0) | 2024.01.10 |