Exploratory Data Analysis in Python
is chapter focuses on exploratory data analysis (EDA), which is the first step in processing any dataset. e objective of EDA is to load data into data structures most suitable for further analysis to identify and rectify any wrong/bad data and get basic insight into the data the types of fields there are; whether they are categorical or not; how many missing values there are; how the fields are related; and so on.
ese are the main topics discussed in this chapter:
Introduction to EDA
Special Python libraries for EDA
Technical requirements
e Python code used in this chapter is available in the Chapter02/eda.ipynb notebook in the book’s code repository.
20 Exploratory Data Analysis in Python
Introduction to EDA
EDA is the process of procuring, understanding, and deriving meaningful statistical insights from structured/unstructured data of interest. It is the first step before a more complex analysis, such as predicting future expectations from the data. In the case of financial data, EDA helps obtain insights used later for building profitable trading signals and strategies.
EDA guides later decisions of which features/signals to use or avoid and which predictive models to use or avoid, and invalidates incorrect hypotheses while validating and introducing correct hypotheses about the nature of variables and the relationships between them.
EDA is also important in understanding how sample (a smaller dataset representative of a complete dataset) statistics differ from population (a complete dataset or an ultimate truth) statistics and keeping that in mind when drawing conclusions about the population, based on observations of samples. us, EDA helps cut down possible search spaces
down the road; otherwise, we would waste a lot more time later on building incorrect/ insignificant models or strategies.
EDA must be approached with a scientific mindset. Sometimes, we might reach inadequately validated conclusions based on anecdotal evidence rather than statistical evidence.
Hypotheses based on anecdotal evidence suffer from issues stemming from the following:
Not being statistically significant too low number of observations.
Selection bias the hypothesis is only created because it was first observed.
Confirmation bias our inherent belief in the hypothesis biases our results.
Inaccuracies in observations.
Let’s explore the different steps and techniques involved in EDA, using real datasets.
Steps in EDA
Here is a list of steps involved in EDA (we’ll be going through each of them in the subsections that follow):
Introduction to EDA 21
- Data cleaning
- Obtaining descriptive statistics
- Visual inspection of the data
- Data cleaning
- Advanced visualization techniques
Loading the necessary libraries and setting them up
We will be using numpy, pandas, and matplotlib, and these libraries can be loaded with the help of the following code:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import stats
import seaborn as sn
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mpld3 mpld3.enable_notebook()
import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore')
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 2)
We use the mpld3 library for enabling zooming within Jupyter’s matplotlib charts.
e last line of the preceding code block specifies that only a maximum of two rows of pandas DataFrames should be displayed.
Data collection
Data collection is usually the first step for EDA. Data may come from many different sources (comma-separated values (CSV) files, Excel files, web scrapes, binary files, and so on) and will o en need to be standardized and first formatted together correctly.
22 Exploratory Data Analysis in Python
For this exercise, we will use data for three different trading instruments for a period of 5 years, stored in .csv format. e identity of these instruments is deliberately
not revealed since that might give away their expected behavior/relationships, but we will reveal their identity at the end of this exercise to evaluate intuitively how well we performed EDA on them.
Let’s start by loading up our available datasets into three DataFrames (A, B, and C), as follows:
A = pd.read_csv('A.csv', parse_dates=True, index_col=0); A
DataFrame A has the following structure:
Figure 2.1 DataFrame constructed from the A.csv file
Similarly, let’s load DataFrame B, as follows:
B = pd.read_csv('B.csv', parse_dates=True, index_col=0); B
DataFrame B has the following structure:
Figure 2.2 DataFrame constructed from the B.csv file
Introduction to EDA 23
Finally, let’s load the C data into a DataFrame, as follows:
C = pd.read_csv('C.csv', parse_dates=True, index_col=0); C
And we see C has the following fields:
Figure 2.3 DataFrame constructed from the C.csv file
As we can observe, all three data sources have the same format with Open, High, Low, Close, and Adj Close prices and Volume information between approximately 2015-05- 15 and 2020-05-14.
Data wrangling/munging
Data rarely comes in a ready-to-use format. Data wrangling/munging refers to the process of manipulating and transforming data from its initial raw source into structured, formatted, and easily usable datasets.
Let’s use pandas.DataFrame.join(...) to merge the DataFrames and align them to have the same DateTimeIndex format. Using the lsuffix= and rsuffix= parameters, we assign the _A, _B, and _C suffixes to the columns coming from the three DataFrames, as follows:
merged_df = A.join(B, how='outer', lsuffix='_A', sort=True). join(C, how='outer', lsuffix='_B', rsuffix='_C', sort=True)
24 Exploratory Data Analysis in Python
We will inspect the merged_df DataFrame we just created and make sure it has all the fields we expected from all three DataFrames (displaying only the first seven columns). e DataFrame can be seen here:
Figure 2.4 DataFrame constructed by joining the DataFrames A, B, and C
Notice that the original three DataFrames (A, B, and C) had 1,211, 1,209 and 1,206 rows respectively, but the combined DataFrame has 1,259 rows. is is because we used an outer join, which uses the union of dates across all three DataFrames. When it cannot find values for a specific DataFrame for a specific date, it places a NaN value there for that DataFrame’s fields.
Data cleaning
Data cleaning refers to the process of addressing data errors coming from missing data, incorrect data values, and outliers.
In our example, merged_df has missing values for many fields coming from the original datasets and coming from merging DataFrames with different sets of dates.
Let’s first check if there are any rows where all values are missing (NaN), as follows:
e result shows that we do not have any row with all fields missing, as we can see here:
Figure 2.5 DataFrame showing that there are no rows with all fields missing
Introduction to EDA 25
Now, let’s find out how many rows exist that have at least one field that is missing/NaN, as follows:
merged_df[['Close_A', 'Close_B', 'Close_C']].isnull(). any(axis=1).sum()
So, it turns out 148 rows out of our 1,259 rows have one or more fields with missing values, as shown here:
For our further analysis, we need to have valid Close prices. us, we can drop all
rows where the Close price for any of the three instruments is missing, by running the following code:
valid_close_df = merged_df.dropna(subset=['Close_A', 'Close_B', 'Close_C'], how='any')
A er dropping the missing Close prices, we should have no more missing Close price fields, as illustrated in the following code snippet:
valid_close_df[['Close_A', 'Close_B', 'Close_C']].isnull(). any(axis=1).sum()
e result confirms there are no rows le where any of the Close_A, Close_B, or Close_C fields are NaN values, as we can see here:
Let’s inspect the new DataFrame, as follows:
Here is the result (displaying only the first seven columns):
Figure 2.6 Resulting DataFrame with no missing/NaN values for any close prices
26 Exploratory Data Analysis in Python
As expected, we dropped the 148 rows that had missing/NaN values for any of the close prices.
Next, let’s deal with rows that have NaN values for any of the other fields, starting with getting a sense of how many such rows exist. We can do this by running the following code:
valid_close_df.isnull().any(axis=1).sum() Here is the output of that query:
So, there exist 165 rows that have at least some fields with a missing value.
Let’s quickly inspect a few of the rows with at least some fields with a missing value, as follows:
Some of the rows with some missing values are displayed (displaying only the first seven columns), as shown here:
Figure 2.7 DataFrame showing there are still some rows with some missing values
So, we can see that the Low_C field on 2015-05-18 (not visible in the preceding screenshot) and the Open_B field on 2020-05-01 have NaN values (among 163 others, of course).
Let’s use the pandas.DataFrame.fillna(...) method with a method called backfill this uses the next valid value a er the missing value to fill in the missing value. e code is illustrated in the following snippet:
valid_close_complete = valid_close_df.fillna(method='backfill') Let’s see the impact of the backfilling, as follows:
Introduction to EDA 27
Now, this is the output for the query:
As we can see, a er the backfill operation, there are no more missing/NaN values le for any field in any row.
Obtaining descriptive statistics
e next step is to generate the key basic statistics on data to build familiarity with each field, with the DataFrame.describe(...) method. e code is illustrated in the following snippet:
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None) valid_close_complete.describe()
Notice that we have increased the number of rows of a pandas DataFrame to display. Here is the output of running pandas.DataFrame.describe(…), displaying only the
first seven columns:
Figure 2.8 Descriptive statistics of the valid_close_complete DataFrame
e preceding output provides quick summary statistics for every field in our DataFrame. Key observations from Figure 2.8 are outlined here:
Volume_C has all statistics values to be 0, implying every row has the Volume_C value set to 0. erefore, we need to remove this column.
28 Exploratory Data Analysis in Python
Open_C has a minimum value of -400, which is unlikely to be true for the following reasons:
1) e other price fields High_C, Low_C, Close_C, and Adj Close_C all have minimum values around 9, so it doesn’t make sense for Open_C to have a minimum value of -400.
1) Given that the 25th percentile for Open_C is 12.4, it is unlikely that the minimum value would be so much lower than that.
1) e price of an asset should be non-negative.
Low_C has a maximum value of 330 , which is again unlikely because of the following reasons:
1) For the same reasons given previously to those outlined previously, as Open_C is not correct.
1) In addition, considering that Low_C should always be lower than High_C, by definition, the lowest price in a day has to be lower than the highest price on a day.
Let’s put back the output of all the pandas DataFrames to be just two rows, as follows:
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 2)
Now, let’s remove the Volume fields for all three instruments, with the following code:
prices_only = valid_close_complete.drop(['Volume_A', 'Volume_B', 'Volume_C'], axis=1)
And the prices_only DataFrame has the following data (displaying only the first seven columns):
Figure 2.9 e prices_only DataFrame
Introduction to EDA 29
As expected, a er we removed the three volume columns, we reduced the DataFrame dimensions to 1111 × 15 these were previously 1111 × 18.
Visual inspection of the data
ere do not seem to be any obvious errors or discrepancies with the other fields, so let’s plot a quick visualization of the prices to see if that sits in line with what we learned from the descriptive statistics.
First, we will start with the prices of A, since we expect those to be correct based on the descriptive statistics summary. e code is illustrated in the following snippet:
valid_close_complete['Open_A'].plot(figsize=(12,6), linestyle='--', color='black', legend='Open_A')
valid_close_complete['Close_A'].plot(figsize=(12,6), linestyle='-', color='grey', legend='Close_A')
valid_close_complete['Low_A'].plot(figsize=(12,6), linestyle=':', color='black', legend='Low_A')
valid_close_complete['High_A'].plot(figsize=(12,6), linestyle='-.', color='grey', legend='High_A')
e output is consistent with our expectations, and we can conclude that the prices of A are valid based on the statistics and the plot shown in the following screenshot:
Figure 2.10 Plot showing Open, Close, High, and Low prices for trading instrument A over 5 years
30 Exploratory Data Analysis in Python
Now, let’s plot the prices of C to see if the plot provides further evidence regarding our suspicions about some prices being incorrect. e code can be seen in the following snippet:
valid_close_complete['Open_C'].plot(figsize=(12,6), linestyle='--', color='black', legend='Open_C')
valid_close_complete['Close_C'].plot(figsize=(12,6), linestyle='-', color='grey', legend='Close_C')
valid_close_complete['Low_C'].plot(figsize=(12,6), linestyle=':', color='black', legend='Low_C')
valid_close_complete['High_C'].plot(figsize=(12,6), linestyle='-.', color='grey', legend='High_C')
e output confirms that Open_C and Low_C have some erroneous values extremely far away from other values these are the outliers. e following screenshot shows a plot illustrating this:
Figure 2.11 Plot showing large outliers in the prices of C in both positive and negative directions
We will need to perform some further data cleaning to eliminate these outlier values so that we do not derive incorrect statistical insights from our data.
e two most commonly used methods to detect and remove outliers are the interquartile range (IQR) and the Z-score.
Introduction to EDA 31
e IQR method uses a percentile/quantile range of values over the entire dataset to identify and remove outliers.
When applying the IQR method, we usually use extreme percentile values, such as 5% to 95%, to minimize the risk of removing correct data points.
In our example of Open_C , let’s use the 25th percentile and 75th percentile and remove all data points with values outside that range. e 25th-to-75th percentile range is
(12.4, 17.68), so we would remove the outlier value of -400.
e Z-score (or standard score) is obtained by subtracting the mean of the dataset from each data point and normalizing the result by dividing by the standard deviation of the dataset.
In other words, the Z-score of a data point represents the distance in the number of standard deviations that the data point is away from the mean of all the data points.
For a normal distribution (applicable for large enough datasets) there is a distribution rule of 68-95-99, summarized as follows:
68% of all data will lie in a range of one standard deviation from the mean.
95% of all data will lie in a range of two standard deviations from the mean.
99% of all data will lie within a range of three standard deviations from the mean.
So, a er computing Z-scores of all data points in our dataset (which is large enough), there is an approximately 1% chance of a data point having a Z-score larger than or equal to 3.
erefore, we can use this information to filter out all observations with Z-scores of 3 or higher to detect and remove outliers.
In our example, we will remove all rows with values whose Z-score is less than -6 or greater than 6 that is, six standard deviations away from the mean.
First, we use scipy.stats.zscore(...) to compute Z-scores of each column in the prices_only DataFrame, and then we use numpy.abs(...) to get the magnitude of the Z-scores. Finally, we select rows where all fields have Z-scores lower than 6, and save that in a no_outlier_prices DataFrame. e code is illustrated in the following snippet:
no_outlier_prices = prices_only[(np.abs(stats.zscore(prices_ only)) < 6).all(axis=1)]
32 Exploratory Data Analysis in Python
Let’s see what impact this Z-score outlier removal code had on the price fields for instrument C by plotting its prices again and comparing to the earlier plot, as follows:
no_outlier_prices['Open_C'].plot(figsize=(12,6), linestyle='--', color='black', legend='Open_C')
no_outlier_prices['Close_C'].plot(figsize=(12,6), linestyle='-', color='grey', legend='Close_C')
no_outlier_prices['Low_C'].plot(figsize=(12,6), linestyle=':', color='black', legend='Low_C')
no_outlier_prices['High_C'].plot(figsize=(12,6), linestyle='-.', color='grey', legend='High_C')
Here’s the output:
Figure 2.12 Plot showing the prices of C a er removing outliers by applying data cleaning
e plot clearly shows that the earlier observation of extreme values for Open_C and Low_C has been discarded; there is no longer the dip of -400.
Note that while we removed the extreme outliers, we were still able to preserve the sharp spikes in prices during 2015, 2018, and 2020, thus not leading to a lot of data losses.
Introduction to EDA 33
Let’s also check the impact of our outlier removal work by re-inspecting the descriptive statistics, as follows:
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)
no_outlier_prices[['Open_C', 'Close_C', 'Low_C', 'High_C']]. describe()
ese statistics look significantly better as we can see in the following screenshot, the min and max values for all prices now look in line with expectations and do not have extreme values, so we succeeded in our data cleaning task:
Figure 2.13 Descriptive statistics for the no_outlier_prices selected columns
Let’s reset back the number of rows to display for a pandas DataFrame, as follows:
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 5)
Advanced visualization techniques
In this section, we will explore univariate and multivariate statistics visualization techniques.
34 Exploratory Data Analysis in Python
First, let’s collect the close prices for the three instruments, as follows:
close_prices = no_outlier_prices[['Close_A', 'Close_B', 'Close_C']]
Next, let’s compute the daily close price changes to evaluate if there is a relationship between daily price changes between the three instruments.
Daily close price changes
We will use the pandas.DataFrame.shift(...) method to shi the original DataFrame one period forward so that we can compute the price changes. e pandas. DataFrame.fillna(...) method here fixes the one missing value generated in
the first row as a result of the shift operation. Finally, we will rename the columns to Delta_Close_A, Delta_Close_B, and Delta_Close_C to reflect the fact that
these values are price differences and not actual prices. e code is illustrated in the following snippet:
delta_close_prices = (close_prices.shift(-1) - close_prices). fillna(0)
delta_close_prices.columns = ['Delta_Close_A', 'Delta_Close_B', 'Delta_Close_C']
e content of the newly generated delta_close_prices DataFrame is shown in the following screenshot:
Figure 2.14 e delta_close_prices DataFrame
Introduction to EDA 35
ese values look correct, judging from the first few actual prices and the calculated price differences.
Now, let’s quickly inspect the summary statistics for this new DataFrame to get a sense of how the delta price values are distributed, as follows:
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None) delta_close_prices.describe()
e descriptive statistics on this DataFrame are shown in the following screenshot:
Figure 2.15 Descriptive statistics for the delta_close_prices DataFrame
We can observe from these statistics that all three delta values’ means are close to 0, with instrument A experiencing large price swings and instrument C experiencing significantly smaller price moves (from the std field).
36 Exploratory Data Analysis in Python
Histogram plot
Let’s observe the distribution of Delta_Close_A to get more familiar with it, using a histogram plot. e code for this is shown in the following snippet:
delta_close_prices['Delta_Close_A'].plot(kind='hist', bins=100, )figsize=(12,6), color='black', grid=True)
In the following screenshot, we can see that the distribution is approximately normally distributed:
Figure 2.16 Histogram of Delta_Close_A values roughly normally distributed around the 0 value
Box plot
Let’s draw a box plot, which also helps in assessing the values’ distribution. e code for this is shown in the following snippet:
delta_close_prices['Delta_Close_B'].plot(kind='box', figsize=(12,6), color='black', grid=True)
Introduction to EDA 37
e output can be seen in the following screenshot:
Figure 2.17 Box plot showing mean, median, IQR (25th to 75th percentile), and outliers
Correlation charts
e first step in multivariate data statistics is to assess the correlations between Delta_Close_A, Delta_Close_B, and Delta_Close_C.
e most convenient way to do that is to plot a correlation scatter matrix that shows
the pairwise relationship between the three variables, as well as the distribution of each individual variable.
In our example, we demonstrate the option of using kernel density estimation (KDE), which is closely related to histograms but provides a smoother distribution surface across the plots on the diagonals. e code for this is shown in the following snippet:
pd.plotting.scatter_matrix(delta_close_prices, figsize=(10,10), color='black', alpha=0.75, diagonal='kde', grid=True)
is plot indicates that there is a strong positive correlation between Delta_Close_A and Delta_Close_B and a strong negative correlation between Delta_Close_C and the other two variables. e diagonals also display the distribution of each individual variable, using KDE.
38 Exploratory Data Analysis in Python
A scatter plot of the fields can be seen in the following screenshot:
Figure 2.18 Scatter plot of Delta_Close fields with KDE histogram on the diagonals
Introduction to EDA 39
Next, let’s look at some statistics that provide the relationship between the variables. DataFrame.corr(...) does that for us and also displays linear correlations. is can be seen in the following code snippet:
e correlation matrix confirms that Delta_Close_A and Delta_Close_B have a strong positive correlation (very close to 1.0, which is the maximum), as we expected based on the scatter plot. Also, Delta_Close_C is negatively correlated (closer to -1.0 than 0.0) to the other two variables.
You can see the correlation matrix in the following screenshot:
Figure 2.19 Correlation matrix for Delta_Close_A, Delta_Close_B, and Delta_Close_C
Pairwise correlation heatmap
An alternative visualization technique known as a heatmap is available in seaborn. heatmap(...), as illustrated in the following code snippet:
sn.heatmap(delta_close_prices.corr(), annot=True, square=True, linewidths=2)
40 Exploratory Data Analysis in Python
In the plot shown in the following screenshot, the rightmost scale shows a legend where the darkest values represent the strongest negative correlation and the lightest values represent the strongest positive correlations:
Figure 2.20 Seaborn heatmap visualizing pairwise correlations between Delta_Close fields
e heatmap shows graphically the same message as the table in the previous section there is a very high correlation between Delta_Close_A and Delta_Close_B and a very high negative correlation between Delta_Close_A and Delta_Close_C. ere is also a very high negative correlation between Delta_Close_B and Delta_Close_C.
Introduction to EDA 41
Revelation of the identity of A, B, and C and EDA's conclusions
e A instrument is the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), a large cap equity index exchange traded fund (ETF). e B instrument is the S&P 500 (SPY), another large cap equity index ETF. e C instrument is the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) Volatility Index (VIX), which basically tracks how volatile markets are at any given time (basically, a function of equity index price swings).
From our EDA on the mystery instruments, we drew the following conclusions:
C (VIX) cannot have negative prices or prices above 90, which has historically been true.
A (DJIA) and B (SPY) had huge drops in 2008 and 2020, corresponding to the stock market crash and the COVID-19 pandemic, respectively. Also, the price of C (VIX) spiked at the same time, indicating heightened market turmoil.
A (DJIA) has largest daily price swings, followed by B (SPY), and finally C (VIX), with very low daily price swings. ese are also correct observations considering the underlying instruments that they were hiding.
A (DJIA) and B (SPY) have very strong positive correlations, which makes sense since both are large cap equity indices. C (VIX) has strong negative correlations with both A (DJIA) and B (SPY), which also makes sense since during periods of prosperity, volatility remains low and markets rise, and during periods of crisis, volatility spikes and markets drop.
In the next section, we introduce one special Python library that generates the most common EDA charts and tables automatically.
42 Exploratory Data Analysis in Python
Special Python libraries for EDA
ere are multiple Python libraries that provide EDA in a single line of code. One of the most advanced of them is dtale, shown in the following code snippet:
import dtale dtale.show(valid_close_df)
e preceding command produces a table with all the data (displaying only the first seven columns), as follows:
Figure 2.21 e dtale component showing spreadsheet-like control over the valid_close_df DataFrame
Special Python libraries for EDA 43
Clicking on the arrow at the top displays a menu with all the functionality, as illustrated in the following screenshot:
Figure 2.22 e dtale global menu showing its functionality
44 Exploratory Data Analysis in Python
Clicking on the column header displays each feature’s individual commands, as illustrated in the following screenshot:
Figure 2.23 e dtale column menu showing column functionality
Interactive EDA, rather than command-driven EDA, has its advantages it is intuitive, it promotes visual creativity, and it can be faster.
e objective of EDA is to get a feel for the dataset we work with, and to correct basic data errors such as unlikely outliers. We have described both an EDA built by running individual Python commands and an automated EDA using a special Python EDA library.
e next chapter introduces us to one of the most important Python libraries: numpy.
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